We have now looked at the different types of floor cleaners that householders can consider using on their newly-fitted hardwood floor. However, it should be pointed out that it is always best to check what is contained within the solution as anything other than a balanced pH cleaner could damage your investment.

In addition to this advice, it is also necessary to add that this cleaner should not be used before the finish has been cured. A polyurethane coating can take about 8 days to cure, you should also allow similar time with respect to a hardwax oil finish.

Some people prefer not to use a floor cleaner at all. This is perfectly understandable, especially when the condition of the floor takes precedent over anything else; you wouldn’t want to risk using an unsuitable solution on the floor that could adversely alter its look.

If you are one of those concerned about using such a method, try using a damp mop instead. Simply dip the mop in some water, before ensuring it has been completely wrung dry and then apply it to the floor as you would do normally.

In the next article we will think about a few other cleaning methods open to you.

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