If you’re lucky enough to live in a stylish open plan apartment, you’ll certainly want to keep it looking its best, and if your apartment floors are covered with carpets, swapping these carpets for hardwood flooring can help to keep your home looking super-stylish for an incredibly long time.
Open plan apartments are the epitome of stylish and contemporary properties, and as hardwood flooring is the epitome of stylish and contemporary flooring, they are the perfect pairing.
Those living in open plan apartments can take their pick from a great choice of different types of flooring constructed from different types of woods, so you can create a look which meets all of your style preferences.
If you want to make your apartment feel even more bright and airy, opting for very light hardwood flooring such as ash and beech styles are great. On the other hand, if you prefer a darker and sultrier ambience, take a look at walnut and dark oak flooring.
Hardwood flooring can look absolutely amazing in open plan apartments, so take steps to transform yours from so-so to stunning today.