Hardwood flooring is a precious investment. You should take every precaution you possibly can to protect it. Listed below are a few tips on caring for hardwood flooring.

Cleaning: Hardwood flooring is among those flooring choices which are easy to clean and maintain. You can protect its warmth and character with simple cleaning techniques.

Prevention: It is important to prevent your hardwood flooring from a few things to keep it safe. Some of them are as follows.

a) Dirt and grit: Dirt and grit can have the effect of sandpaper on your hardwood flooring. This causes dents, dulling and scratches to your hardwood flooring.

b) Water and other liquids: If water remains on your hardwood flooring for too long, it can warp its finish and spoil it. You should wipe spills as soon as they happen.

c) Cleaners: Avoid the use of oil cleaners on your hardwood flooring. Do not use oil soaps. Oil soaps create problems when it is time for maintenance. Instead, use neutral pH cleaners suitable for use on hardwood flooring.

d) Furniture: If you have furniture, you should keep it clean of dirt. Do not drag furniture on hardwood flooring as you should lift when you want to move it.

e) Sunlight: Keep direct sunlight at bay using blinds and window screens. Any form of direct or harsh light can cause discoloration.

Keep these tips in mind in order to care for your hardwood flooring.

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