Nothing makes a home feel cosier than real wood decor. From wooden bannisters to storage units, wood makes for both a practical and aesthetically pleasing addition to a domestic interior. As such, it is a popular choice for homeowners everywhere, where pieces can come in a variety of shades from oak to ash.
Wooden floors in particular demand a certain level of upkeep to ensure that they stay in top condition. This is because natural textiles can only endure a certain level of wear and tear before they require oiling, sealing or sanding. These requirements can change according to the seasons, where varying weather conditions can impact floor quality if the proper maintenance isn’t administered.
Read on for some top tips on maintaining your hardwood floors during the colder months, from limiting the drying process to removing stains.
Winter Weather & Wood Damage
The cold and dry weather conditions typically experienced in winter can have ill-effects on hardwood floors. This is because these conditions contribute to a drying out of the hardwood surface, where this in turn can result in shrinking, cracking and the formation of gaps between boards. A regular application of wood treatments and oil-based solutions can help to reduce the risk of this over the winter.
Hibernating Bugs & Infestations
Wood infestations aren’t just an issue in the summer months, where different kinds of pests can make their home in wooden floorboards in order to hibernate or to shelter from the cold weather outside. In order to counteract this, real wood floors should be regularly maintained and resealed to keep the pests out.
Outdoor Debris & Dirt
One of the more obvious problems when it comes to flooring in the winter months is that an increased quantity of debris from outside can be brought indoors. Poor weather conditions can create an influx of mud, rain and snow which can cause damage to flooring if it isn’t cleared up quickly. Brooms or mops can help with this whilst preventing additional scratching that could be caused by other cleaning instruments
Just Wood Flooring: Hardwood Flooring To Transform Your Home
At Just Wood Flooring, we supply a wide range of natural wood flooring installations, including beech, ash and oak. In addition to this, we also offer wood floor restoration and re-sanding services to keep your hardwood flooring looking at its best. Get in touch with us today to find out more.