It is not always worth refinishing a hardwood floor, but due to the robust and hardwearing nature of hardwood, more often than not a little bit of maintenance will go a long way. It’s the nature of a hardwood floor that it will stand the test of time if looked after in the right way.

Probably the best way to ensure a good result when you refinish a hardwood floor is to make use of professionals. With the right expertise and equipment, they will do a far better job than you ever could, so if you’re serious about returning your floor to its best, take this option. If you’re determined to do it yourself, here are a few tips.

First of all, clear the room and sweep it. Check for nails and any carpet tacks that might remain and either remove them or hammer them down. You then need to hire a sander. Drum sanders are most commonly used, but you need to keep them constantly moving to ensure that no one area gets overworked.

Having sanded once, hoover and then sand again with a lighter grain for a smoother finish. Clean up once again and your hardwood floor is now ready for staining (if necessary) and then finishing.

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Wood Floor Restoration

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