Refurbishing a wooden floor can be a long and arduous job. If you don’t know what you are doing the job is of course left up to the professionals, but we thought we would give a few pointers with regards to how the job should be done.

• Before starting, the room need to be completely clear of all furniture and soft furnishings. It can be a good idea to hang dust sheets over doors so dust does not enter the other rooms in your home

• Check there are no protruding nails from the floor surface. This will help when we get to the next step

• A sander needs to be used to remove the old finish from the floor. Sand the floor completely until a smooth finish is attained

• All the dust created needs to be removed from the room completely. You can use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust and then wipe clean the floor so no dust or dirt particles remain

• You can now apply a fresh coat of wax, oil, or lacquer to the floor. Remember to start at the furthest point from the entrance and work back to the door

• Apply a sealant to the floor using the same method as above

• Don’t try to use the floor until you are confident the floor is completely dry and the sealant has hardened off

Always follow the instructions on the product you use. But, if you are in any doubt, consult your wood flooring specialist.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation