Spring Cleaning Tips For Hardwood Floors

25 May 2023
Spring Cleaning Tips For Hardwood Floors

As the weather warms up and the flowers start to bloom, many homeowners start to think about spring cleaning. One area that can really benefit from a deep clean is hardwood floors. Hardwood floors are a beautiful addition to any home, but they can become dull and dirty over time without proper maintenance.

Here are some spring cleaning tips for hardwood floors that will help keep your floors looking like new.

Start with a thorough cleaning

The first step in spring cleaning your hardwood floors is to give them a thorough cleaning. Start by sweeping or vacuuming up any loose dirt and debris. Next, use a damp mop to clean the floors, being sure to wring out the mop well so that you’re not leaving excess water on the floors.

Use the right cleaning products

When it comes to cleaning hardwood floors, it’s important to use the right products. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners that can damage the finish on your floors. Instead, opt for a gentle cleaner specifically designed for use on hardwood floors. Just Wood Flooring can recommend the best products to use on your specific type of hardwood flooring.

Consider refinishing your floors

If your hardwood floors are looking particularly worn or dull, it might be time to consider refinishing them. Just Wood Flooring can provide wood floor installers to sand and refinish your floors, giving them a fresh new look. Refinishing your floors can also help to protect them from future damage.

Protect your floors from scratches and dents

One of the biggest enemies of hardwood floors is scratches and dents. To protect your floors, be sure to place felt pads under furniture legs and avoid wearing high heels or shoes with hard soles on the floors. You may also want to consider placing rugs in high-traffic areas to help protect the floors from damage.

Schedule regular maintenance

Finally, the best way to keep your hardwood floors looking like new is to schedule regular maintenance. Just Wood Flooring can provide professional maintenance services, including deep cleaning, buffing, and polishing, to help keep your floors in top condition.

Hardwood Flooring From Just Wood Flooring

In conclusion, spring cleaning is the perfect time to give your hardwood floors the attention they deserve. By following these tips, you can keep your wooden flooring looking new for years to come. Don’t forget to contact Just Wood Flooring for all your hardwood flooring needs, including installation, refinishing, and maintenance services.