Spring is finally in the air, the flowers are beginning to bloom outside, the weather is warming up and the sun has finally come out of hiding. Whilst you might be thinking about all the work that you need to do to the exterior of your property now that the weather is finally good enough to get out there and do it, don’t forget the inside of your home as well. Spring is one of the very best times of year to think about replacing the flooring in your home, especially those hardwood floors and here are just three reasons why.

It stands to reason that having interior work done in your home, whatever the type, its necessitate having the doors open more than normal. If you are having your flooring replaced, old flooring will need to be taken up and carried out, new flooring will need to be carried in and this can all take time. During this time, your door will be opened and closed a lot. In winter this will let the cold air in and confuse your thermostat pumping your heating up and costing you more. In the summer, if you have air conditioning, this will make your home warmer and make the unit work harder.

Taking up old flooring and putting down new hardwood flooring will undoubtedly produce dust, no matter how clean the room is. Some of the products used in the fitting or treating of your hardwood floors such as adhesive removers, sealers and stains can all produce odours and fumes which mean it is necessary to ventilate the room properly. Ventilating the room of course involves having the windows open which can either make your house too cold, in the winter, or too hot, in the summer. So, Spring, when the weather is neither too hot nor too cold, makes the perfect time to replace your flooring.

Wood flooring needs to be given time to acclimatise to the temperature in your home in order to make sure that it can be fitted properly. In the summer the humidity outside can be much higher leading to hardwood flooring absorbing more moisture and swelling. This can lead to flooring drying out after installation and ultimately this means your flooring will shrink and could pull apart or become cracked. Humidity and temperature during Spring are at their most consistent so this is truly the best time to have new flooring fitted.

Are you looking for a new look for your interiors this Spring? Why not speak to us here at Just Wood – we’d be delighted to help you choose something beautiful.

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