If you are having a new solid hardwood floor fitted, one of the most important things your fitter will do before installing the floor is to allow it to ‘acclimatise’ in the room where it will be fitted. The average time needed for this acclimatisation process to take place is around 1 to 2 weeks, (although can be longer with certain woods) and during this time the planks will be able to adjust to the relative humidity and temperature in the room.

It’s really important that a solid wooden floor is allowed to acclimatise before it is fitted, as a floor which is fitted straight after delivery from the manufacturer may show problems quite quickly. But why is this?

The planks which arrive from your hardwood flooring manufacturer will have been stored in different conditions to the conditions in your home, and because of this may have expanded or contracted in size and differ in moisture levels.

If the planks are stored in the room where they are going to be fitted for a number of days they will be able to stabilize to match the conditions within the room.

Wood is a natural product and your hardwood floor needs to be treated with love and affection if you are to get the best from it.

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