Nowadays, more and more people are starting to think about making their home renovation projects greener. By making more aspects of your home eco-friendly, you can reduce your carbon footprint and maybe even save some money as well.
One of the best ways to reduce your environmental impact is with the flooring you install in your home. Bamboo wood flooring is one of the most eco-friendly options available, as it is a natural and sustainable resource. What’s more, bamboo is a plant rather than a tree, and as such it grows much faster.
For those who are dubious about the strength of bamboo as a flooring material; your fears are needless. Bamboo is as strong as maple – one of the main types of hardwood flooring used nowadays – and is extremely durable and hardwearing. It is also a lovely golden colour, which has the power to make your home look both warm and inviting.
The attractiveness of bamboo and other types of eco-friendly wood flooring means that you don’t have to compromise on quality or aesthetics when searching for the greenest flooring option possible.