If you are considering having hardwood flooring in your home, you will need to consider which type of hardwood flooring would be the most suitable for the room that you have chosen to put it in. There are many different types of wood when it comes to hardwood flooring and you need to choose wisely. Each wood has a different hardness level and you will need to weigh this up against the amount of traffic you are going to have coming in and out of the particular room.

Woods such as ash and oak are very hard woods, which are perfect for rooms such as kitchens, hallways and living rooms, which are the most used rooms in any home. For the bedroom, you could choose a less hard wood if you wish.

In addition to their hardness each wood has its own individual colour. You will notice once you have the hardwood flooring put down in your home that it will start to change colour over time. Some become darker, whereas others get lighter. Your hardwood flooring specialist will be able to advise you about this.

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