Hardwood floors are one of the most widely used flooring types in the UK. However, even such durable floors can get damaged over the years. Consumers generally cover such damaged floors with carpets or rugs. You can now bid farewell to rugs and carpets with some hardwood flooring replacement tips. Such a procedure does not take much time and can be undertaken within a few minutes.

You will require the following tools for this procedure:

• Hammer

• Circular Saw

• Chisel

• Adhesive

• Mallet

• Nails

• Scrap Wood

• Wood Filler

Detach the Planks

You will have to remove the damaged planks before beginning with the replacement procedure. You will need to incise a hole in the middle of the plank with the help of a saw. Remove this part with a chisel and hammer. Similarly, pry out the remaining part of the damaged planks. Make sure that you remove any nails from the floor.

Replace the Planks

Cut a new plank on the basis of the measurement of the old plank. The new plank should be smaller in size than the old plank. This is necessary as the wood will increase in size gradually. Apply adhesive to the backside of the plank. Place the plank on the floor. Place with a mallet. Place some old wood on top of this plank to protect the new plank.

Secure the New Plank

Use flooring nails to secure the new plank to the floor. You can then apply finish to the new plank. Follow this simple installation procedure and replace your damaged hardwood flooring.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation