When people usually think about having wood flooring fitted in their house, they would be forgiven for only considering the usual suspects.
This is not to say that ash, beech, birch, cherry, maple or rosewood are less than exemplary woods which are ideal for flooring, but that there are other options, should you wish to require something different.
One of the more exotic species of wood is Jatoba and this type of flooring is proving to be very popular at the moment. You can put this down in part to its natural beauty, displaying a rich array of colours.
Jatoba is also a hardwood flooring choice which is exceptionally firm and due to this aspect, is frequently used in commercial situations where this level of hardness is particularly needed.
The wood is incredibly hardwearing and so is often used to make sports equipment and handrails in addition to wood floors.
If you select the sapwood variety, this is characterised by broad figuring, with light pink and commonly greyish tones. The heartwood spans from a salmon-pink colour to reddish brown featuring dark streaks.
As time goes by, you can expect the Jatoba floor to change and deepen in colour to a rich and vibrant red.