Each type of wood floor has a slightly different installation technique. If you are planning to get an Alpine Solid wood floor from manufacturer V4, here are the key tips for installation that you need to know.

• Ensure the building is weather tight and fully dried out before the flooring is installed
• Check temperatures and humidity levels. For V4 Alpine Solid wood flooring, ambient temperature should be between 18-24°C and the relative humidity in the range of 45% to 60%.
• Acclimatise your wood flooring by storing the boards in the room they are to be installed in for as long as possible (we advise a minimum of 2 weeks), to allow them to acclimatise to the humidity and ambient temperature in the room.
• Ensure the sub-floor is of load-bearing strength (this prevents creaking when the floor is installed) and is dry and sound
• Install Alpine Solid wood flooring using the ‘stick down’ method (for suitable sub-floors) or Secret-Nail fixing (for suitable wood-based sub-floors).
• Do not install this product as a floating floor or over Underfloor heating – it is not recommended by the manufacturer
• Prepare for expansion by leaving spaces of 15mm or more where the floor meets doorframes, walls, fireplaces and other non-movable obstructions
• Ensure skirting boards are not fitted too tightly to wood flooring, as this can cause the floor to buckle.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation