Wooden flooring has been popular for a long time, and its ability to provide natural beauty and style to any room in which it is installed is one of the main reasons why it is the first choice for many a homeowner.

However, once you have had this flooring installed in your home, you can’t afford to simply forget about it and fail to make the effort to maintain it on a regular basis, and it requires regular cleaning and maintenance to keep it in peak condition.

There are numerous preventative measures which should be taken to keep your wooden flooring looking as good as possible for as long as possible; here are a few of the most effective…

– Clean up any water and liquid spills immediately, as allowing them to soak in could cause permanent damage to your wooden floor

– Use only products recommended by a flooring professional such as Justwood floors

– Invest in rugs and place at areas such as sinks and areas which are subject to high traffic

– Fit felt pads or castor cups on all furniture

– Use a good quality barrier matt at all external entrances

– Remove footwear (especially high heeled stiletto styles) before walking on wooden flooring

Follow these simple steps and you can prevent premature deterioration of your wooden flooring and keep it looking beautiful for as long as possible.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation