If you’re lucky enough to have traditional wooden floorboards in your property, covering them up with carpets might seem like the easy and attractive option, although you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how simple it could be to make your floorboards an absolutely breathtaking addition to your property.

When they’ve been hidden away under thick carpets for years, there’s a possibility that your floorboards will have been left looking a lot less than their best. By sanding, staining and sealing them though you can easily restore them back to their former glory.

Sanding, staining and sealing products are available in many DIY stores, although none of these tasks are as easy as they may look, therefore you need to call in the professionals.

The first thing which a professional will do is sand floorboards to get rid of any dirt, dust, debris and any old paint or wood varnish which floorboards may be coated in. This helps to ensure a smooth, even finish and replace any damaged boards with reclaimed pine to match as near as possible the original boards.

Floorboards will then be stained (a range of different shades of stains are available) and then sealed to help to protect them against damage.

Make the most of what your property already has by restoring floorboards to their former glory.

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Wood Floor Restoration

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