Many people in older homes don’t realise that underneath their thick carpets and all that dust which has accumulated over the years are beautiful floorboards, although after years of neglect beauty might not be the first thing which springs to mind when you see them.

If you’re looking to change the decor in your home though, these floorboards could play a huge part in the transformation process, although you will definitely need a helping hand from a professional.

You’ll be astounded at the magic which a hardwood flooring professional can work on your floorboards, and the entire process isn’t an overly expensive or overly lengthy one.

The first thing which your hardwood flooring professional will do is sand the floorboards down. This is necessary to achieve a smooth and even finish and to strip away any old varnish or paint which is currently coating them- providing the expert with a completely blank canvas. After sanding, the professional will then get to work on preparing and varnishing floorboards.

The end result will be one which will completely transform the look of your home, and with just a little care and attention, the results will last for a very long time.

Call or email Justwood flooring for a free quote on the full resanding and renovation of your old pine floorboards

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