While the wooden flooring specialists in Surrey will ensure you manage to pick out the perfect wood choice for your particular situation, it is worth knowing that variations in colour and texture are only to be expected.

Rather than see this as a negative point, those choosing wood flooring for their home can celebrate the fact that no two wood boards are going to be precisely the same – no matter how carefully you select them.

Once a floor has been installed you may wish to check it against the original sample and there are bound to be some differences in colour and grain texture. However, even between the same board there are going to be slight variations as well as random characteristics.

These random factors can really make having wood flooring in your home unique. This is one of the most beautiful things about natural wood products, but you can still have a look at the floor before it is laid to check it is the right one for you and get a good feel for the finished article.

It is always advisable to think carefully about which wood would go best in your home while understanding the unique nature of wood as a flooring product.

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