When people are asked to conjure up images of wooden floors there are always some who tend to go for the creaking, dusty floorboards of rooms within a big old house, possibly set within a horror movie setting.

However, the hardwood flooring of today is nothing like what these individuals imagine as although it can still be made to create a particular traditional look within an environment, new floorboards will soon settle into their surroundings.

Now that we all tend to have central heating installed within our homes, these floors are not just quiet when walked upon, but they are not cold either. You can even get underfloor heating fitted beneath some makes of wooden flooring to ensure warmth all year round.

In the past, such factors as the wind and breeze from draughts entering a house could make the old floorboards creak and groan, but modern flooring eliminates these issues.

If you decide to have this type of flooring installed in your home you can do so knowing the boards slot firmly in together and provide excellent sound insulation. As long as you ensure the floor is fitted properly by specialists in the industry you can be sure that the sound from the floor will be minimal.

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Wood Floor Restoration

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