Over time, hardwood floors will lose their shine and cleanliness, and start to fade. If you’re concerned that your wooden floor has seen better days, and are considering replacing it, don’t! Wooden floors can be revived. They can be sanded, re-stained, waxed and polished if necessary. All these things will make your floor look like new.

Polishing is often enough to bring back memories of when it was first installed. To rejuvenate your wooden flooring, follow these steps:

Step 1: Cleaning

Water-based solvents can damage your hardwood flooring, so make sure you find a commercial hardwood cleaner which isn’t water based. Use a broom to sweep away dust and dirt, and ensure it’s as clean as can be before buffing.

Step 2: Buffing

Buffing prevents the polish or finish peeling off, and also helps any stains or dyes absorb into the wood better. To buffer your floor, you’ll need to either rent a machine to do it, or call in a professional.

Step 3: Polishing

Polishing and waxing can be laborious and time consuming, so if you want to do it yourself make sure you are fully prepared. Make sure that your floor is clean and dry before applying polish, and do it a section at a time to ensure even covering. Applying it manually will ensure much better more consistent results.

If you want your hardwood flooring to remain shiny and clean, follow these steps annually and your floor will look almost new every time you walk into the room.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation