Cleaning wood floors is known to be much easier than cleaning other floor coverings, such as carpets for example. However, wood floors are also more expensive than other floor coverings, as well as having a stunning natural beauty that people are understandably desperate to maintain. For these reasons, people often spend a lot of time and effort brushing, mopping, finishing and maintaining their wood floors.

One idea that could make cleaning wood floors much quicker and easier comes from the wood floor cleaning and accessories specialist Bona. The family-owned Bona kemi company recommends using a spray mop specially designed for cleaning wood floors, and it could be a solution that saves you a huge amount of time and effort.

Steam mops are not suitable for cleaning many types of wood floors, simply because the heat and moisture they produce could cause the wood to expand, warp or contract. However, a spray mop produces just enough moisture to clean residue and marks of the surface of the floor, without soaking it or damaging it with heat and moisture.

If you fancy giving this wood floor cleaning method a try, make sure you only go for spray mops that are specially designed for use on wood floors.

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