A properly installed wood floor should be virtually silent to walk on, and it definitely shouldn’t creak or squeak. However, if you have an older wooden floor, you might start to notice excessive squeaking and creaking. Some people think these sounds add to the authenticity of hardwood floors, but for others, they can be a noisy nightmare.

Here are a few of the possible reasons why older wood floors may start to creak or squeak:

• The floor boards rub against one another. Solid wood naturally expands when exposed to heat or humidity, which is why wood floors need adequate space left between boards to allow this to happen. If there isn’t enough room, the squeaking you hear may be a result of wood on wood, where the boards are rubbing against each other.

• The floor boards rubbing against a wooden sub-floor. If there isn’t adequate underlay material laid underneath a wood floor, it may start to rub against the sub-floor beneath.

• Supporting floor joists have started to settle. This creates a tiny space between the top of the joist and the floor, which creates the creaking sound when the floor is walked on.

Many squeaking and creaking problems with wood floors can be resolved with the help of a wood flooring professional. However, if your floor is very old, it might be time to consider replacing it with a new one.

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