Although a complete floor covering placed over your wooden floor might adversely affect its ability to breathe, the usage of area rugs in specific parts of a room can really help to look after your precious floor.

When selecting the most appropriate rugs for the room, obviously you will want to consider the décor and how the covering fits in with the furniture and colour scheme in the setting, but you also need to consider the right type of rug.

For instance, rubber-backed and non-ventilated rugs can potentially damage a wooden floor as they prevent it from being able to breathe. Therefore, be careful when choosing a floor covering in this way.

The benefits to using these area rugs in the room are primarily centred on the protection of the floor, as they can prove to be especially useful in high traffic areas. If you have had the new floor installed in a part of your home which is used regularly, rugs can be laid on pathways and close to external doorways.

This can give you peace of mind that the floor is as well ventilated as it should be, but it has now also been given additional protection too.

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