When you have decided on hardwood flooring as your floor of choice for one or more rooms within your home, you should not forget that this is a living material and so needs to go through a natural process once installed.

However, this is nothing to worry about and is the way that the wood adapts to its new surroundings. You can expect the wood to respond in different ways to the humidity, temperature and light that enters the room.

As a general rule, you should allow for a minimum of the four seasons to take their course before the wooden flooring is settled into its environment.

During this time you might notice that the floor boards move around, with slight gaps being quite common due to these fluctuations in humidity and temperature throughout the year.

This is all part of the natural process that the wood has to go through and so all is needed is a little care and attention to keep the conditions as stable as possible. You need to use the heating within your home wisely to ensure that these changes are allowed to take place in the right way.

It is all worth it in the end when you are left with a beautiful floor that will remain that way for decades.

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Wood Floor Restoration

Wood Floor Installation